The Juicy CEO with Monique Bryan

Regardless how amazing your business is, if you don’t know how to stand out online, you have already lost. In order to create credibility, influence and staying power, it’s not enough to build a personal brand. You have to build one with juice! 

Join personal brand strategist, coach and breast cancer survivor Monique Bryan, each Wednesday morning as she teaches you all the tips and tricks she used to build her 6-figure brand while in remission.

Each episode is designed to show you how to amplify your presence, inject your authentic voice into your personal brand and give you some tangible takeaways to get you to that Juicy CEO status in business and in life. Plus, get a front-row seat to some candid conversations with some badass women who have been where you are, showing us that Juicy CEO’s are made, not born.

If you like Rachel Rogers Hello Seven, Lori Harder’s Earn Your Happy or the jokes you catch on Luvvi Ajayi’s podcast, than the Juicy CEO podcast is for you. Get ready to inject the juice!